24-25 PTO Board Members
President: Brandi Traylor
1st VP of Fundraising: Jenny Murphy
2nd VP of VIPS: Erin Moore
3rd VP of Room Parents: Emily McGraw
Secretary: Jamisym Endersen
Treasurer: Kristen Fields
Parliamentarian: Brittany Hudson
Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents, grandparents, community members, local Katy companies, and KE Staff & Teachers who are hard working volunteers to this AMAZING Parent Teacher Organization. We could not do it without all of you!
Our Board Members work hard behind the scenes to make encourage parents to assist with various school activities and provide financial assistance where needs are identified within the school, foster a community atmosphere, and support this mission and vision of the school district.
Please get to know our board, and be sure to ask if you have questions about their area of service this year!!
Board Member Responsibilities
Shall preside at all meetings of the PTO and of the Executive Board. Shall coordinate the work of the offices and committees of the PTO in order that its projects may be promoted.
First Vice President- Fundraising:
Responsible for organizing the fund raising projects for the school year. Shall preside in the office of President in his/her absence.
Second Vice President- Volunteer Coordinator:
Shall function as the VIPS Chairperson (Volunteers in Public Schools). Shall be responsible for organizing the volunteer program at Katy Elementary.
Third Vice President- Room Parents:
Shall function as Room Parents Chairperson; responsible for Grade Level coordinators & Room Parents for each classroom, organizing classroom parties & coordinating carnival booth assignments.
Shall record the minutes of all meetings and provide the President with copies. Shall handle all correspondence, expressions of gratitude, cards and letters.
Shall have custody of all funds of the PTO, shall keep a full record of all receipts and expenditures and shall make disbursements in accordance with the approved budget. Shall present financial statements and be responsible for maintenance of all accounts and records. Shall prepare and file all federal and state returns.
Advise in Parliamentary law and matters of procedure. Responsible for sending out the nominating committee forms in December or January of each school year.